August 14, 2024 11:00am to 12:00pm
ASDWA40 Webinar: Join us on August 14 from 11 AM-12 PM EDT for a webinar featuring a panel discussion celebrating the 40th anniversary of ASDWA on December 14th. The panel will feature current and past presidents of ASDWA that will describe their experiences in working with water systems and the Headquarters and the Regional offices of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) implementation. ASDWA’s members have played a key role over the years in protecting public health with their 24/7/365 efforts with the over 150,000 regulated public water systems (PWSs). The panelists will describe their personal and programmatic successes, as well as the current and future challenges facing the water sector. Click here to register.
SDWA50 Webinar: Join us on August 21 at 2:00-3:00 PM EDT for a webinar with a short series of presentations, followed by a panel discussion celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) on December 16th. The panel will consist of Alan Roberson, Executive Director of the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators, Jennifer McLain, Director of the Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water (OGWDW) at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Peter Grevatt, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Water Research Foundation (WRF) and former Director of OGWDW. Each panelist will provide a perspective on the successes of the SDWA, as well as the current and future challenges facing the water sector. Click here to register.