Webinar: Leveraging Capital Markets to Accelerate Lead Service Line Replacements

February 1, 2023 1:00pm to 2:00pm

On February 1, WaterNow Alliance and Environmental Policy Innovation Center will host a 1-hour webinar for utility and community leaders nationwide on how they can leverage capital markets to maximize access to federal funding and accelerate the rate of lead line replacements on private property.

The webinar discussion will:

  • Highlight the One Water and multiple community benefits of replacing lead service lines, particularly on private properties where they are the most prevalent and most likely to be harming disadvantaged households and communities of color.
  • Feature perspectives from capital market investors about their interest in investing in lead service line replacement programs as a sound investment and to accelerate these needed replacements and protect public health. 
  • Equip participants with the knowledge of how to leverage local financing approaches to maximize access to federal dollars and accelerate the pace of replacements.
  • Feature a real-world case study from communities and utilities replacing lead service lines at a faster pace than most. 
  • Answer questions about how to leverage capital markets for lead service line replacements.

The new $15 billion in federal funding for lead service line replacements, as vital and historic as it is, is dwarfed by the estimated $47 billion need to address this public health crisis, one that affects primarily the most vulnerable and needy among us, often people of color. Join this virtual program to learn how local water leaders can close this funding gap.

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