Webinar - Planting for the Future: Native Plants, Green Jobs, and Equitable Climate Resilience

June 6, 2024 1:00pm to 1:00pm


Landscapes planted with native, locally-adapted plants have wide-ranging benefits including ecosystem connectivity, soil health, water infiltration, and more. As adoption of native, locally-adapted landscaping grows nationwide, the availability of suitable seed, plant starts, and skilled, knowledgeable tradespeople to plan, install, and maintain these landscapes presents an obstacle. At the same time, harmful effects of climate change are already impacting communities, often hitting hardest for those already impacted by social and environmental inequities. In this webinar, convened speakers will discuss the growing need for skilled workers to grow, plant, and maintain native and rewilded landscapes; opportunities to work toward equity in frontline communities through workforce development and livable wage careers; climate resilience, disaster preparedness, and fostering a “deep bench” of local knowledge and skillsets; and more.

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