Mission, Vision, Values

The Schuylkill Action Network is working to improve water resources in the Schuylkill River watershed.

We are a collaborative network of over 300 partner organizations working together since 2003 to implement best practices across the Schuylkill River Watershed.

our mission

To improve water resources through collaborative action in the Schuylkill River Watershed.

our vision

Clean water and a healthy Schuylkill River Watershed accessible for all.

our values

  • Action: Implementing programs, restoration projects, and other on-the-ground initiatives for clean water, healthy habitats, & strong communities.
  • Collaboration: Forming diverse, inclusive, adaptive, and trusting partnerships collaboration that communicate and work together effectively.
  • Resilience: Making decisions that create positive ecosystem, climate, and community impacts for the present and future.
  • Leadership: Guiding partners toward shared source water protection goals and providing opportunities and resources to maximize effective collaboration and beneficial outcomes.
  • Equity: Working to ensure our collaborative action benefits community members fairly across race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, income, age, or ability, with added intent to connect historically disconnected communities.
  • Science: Utilizing and promoting research-based practices, technology, science and innovative solutions.

The SAN seeks to achieve this mission through collaborative actions in partnership with local watershed organizations, land conservation organizations, businesses, academics, water suppliers, recreational communities, local governments, and regional, state, and federal agencies. 

Cover photo credit: Ed Bacon