workgroup goal
To minimize agricultural impacts on water quality and enhance land productivity.
key actions
- Implementation and maintenance of BMPs to reduce pollutants.
- Development of comprehensive conservation plans.
- Education and collaboration with farmers and stakeholders.
- Monitoring and assessment of BMP effectiveness.
The Agriculture workgroup works to engage and educate farmers to implement agricultural best management practices (BMPs) and to conserve and improve agricultural lands. These efforts ultimately improve land, habitat, and water quality by reducing the pollutants such as sediment, nutrients, pesticides, herbicides, and pathogens running off of agricultural land.
featured event
SAN Agriculture Workgroup Meeting (Virtual)
November 6, 2024
DEP Releases Water Quality Assessment Showing 40% Of PA Streams Polluted By Agriculture, Abandoned Mines, Stormwater Runoff
DEP Releases Report on Impaired Waterways in Pennsylvania, Stresses Need for Restore Pennsylvania for River Health
Climate ethicist says climate change will challenge civilization as we know it
Leading Farm, Conservation, Wildlife Groups Unite In Support of Protecting Federal Farm Bill Conservation Funding
Manure application changes with winter crop can cut nitrogen loss, boost profits