Oil Spill Response: Advances in Detection Capabilities (Webinar)

Join EPA for an overview of technologies and projects for tracking hydrocarbons underwater or in floating slicks. Additionally, this webinar will highlight the need for measurements that provide a better understanding of behavior and transport of spilled oil in water environments.  Click here to register

Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Advisory Committee – Public and Virtual Meeting

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will hold a public meeting of the Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Advisory Committee (UAIPAC). UAIPAC will convene to discuss proposed recommendations for the Secretary of Agriculture on the development of policies and outreach relating to urban, indoor, and other emerging agriculture production practices. Written comments will be accepted […]

Webinar: Demystifying How to Access BIL Funds for Source Water Protection and Natural Infrastructure

The Source Water Collaborative is hosting its 2nd webinar as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Webinar Series. The webinar is provided at no cost to attendees. Please click here to learn more and register for the webinar. The webinar will cover the following topics: EPA’s free Water Technical Assistance programs (new and longstanding) BIL funding and Environmental […]

Phosphorus Management and Water Quality Management

Join the North Central Region Water Network for this webinar! Managing phosphorus (P) to both meet crop needs and reduce P loss from agricultural fields is critical to managing water resources. This edition of The Current will focus on P management and water quality – the latest research on P transport modeling, and a review […]

PA Abandoned Mine Reclamation Community-based Watershed Organizations Webinar & Survey Kickoff

Stream Restoration Incorporated (SRI) is partnering with the Western Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation (WPCAMR) and Eastern Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation (EPCAMR) to conduct a study on behalf of the Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds & Rivers about past, current, and future involvement of watershed groups, conservation districts, and others in abandoned mine […]

Analytical Preparedness Full-Scale Exercise (AP-FSE) Toolkit Webinar

Analytical Preparedness Full-Scale Exercise (AP-FSE) Toolkit Webinar hosted by the Water Laboratory Alliance. The Toolkit is a comprehensive guide to planning and executing a multi-organizational exercise to simulate response to a water emergency, with a focus on tools and best practices for utility coordination of laboratory support. This webinar covers how an AP-FSE can increase preparedness, […]

Perkiomen Stream Clean-up

Every April, the Conservancy hosts a single-day watershed-wide event focused on removing litter, tires and other debris from regional waterways. This event brings together volunteers who work collaboratively to clean-up streamside sites, parks and open spaces throughout the watershed. Since its creation in 2004, the Perkiomen Stream Clean-up has grown to become the largest single-day […]

Webinar: Choose Native Mini-Workshop

Community members, volunteers, and interested professionals are invited to join Pennsylvania Sea Grant and Penn State Extension for this virtual mini-workshop focused on replacing invasive species with those native to Pennsylvania in landscapes and water gardens. Landscaping and water gardening activities often lead to the unintended introduction and spread of invasive plant species to our […]

Webinar – GIS Options for Environmental Advisory Councils

From inventorying tree cover, to managing invasive species; from mapping riparian buffers, floodplains, recharge areas and other water-related resources, to inventorying municipal open space areas to improve management, Geographic Information System (GIS) is a powerful tool that can be used for environmental management and protection.   

ECHO Biosolids Facility Searches and Reports Training

This training hosted by USEPA focuses on the ECHO Facility Searches and Report under the Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program area biosolids. With the implementation of the NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule (eRule), facilities in the 41 states where EPA implements the Federal Biosolids Program, and three authorized states (SD, […]

New Opportunities to Partner with NRCS for Source Water Protection and Climate-Smart Agriculture

New Opportunities to Partner with NRCS for Source Water Protection and Climate-Smart Agriculture hosted by the Source Water Collaborative (SWC).  This webinar will focus on this year’s opportunity to update the USDA NRCS high priority source water protection areas and agricultural and forestry practices landowners can implement to get up to 90 percent incentive payments to protect drinking water […]

New Opportunities to Partner with NRCS for Source Water Protection and Climate-Smart Agriculture

New Opportunities to Partner with NRCS for Source Water Protection and Climate-Smart Agriculture hosted by the Source Water Collaborative (SWC).  This webinar will focus on this year’s opportunity to update the USDA NRCS high priority source water protection areas and agricultural and forestry practices landowners can implement to get up to 90 percent incentive payments to protect drinking water […]