WEBINAR: What You Need to Know About Microplastics in Our Waters

DESCRIPTION Microplastics are emerging contaminants in the water environment. These manufactured polymer particles have been found across water matrices, capturing the attention of consumers and regulators, raising questions about potential human and ecosystem hazards. A major challenge for understanding microplastic fate and transport is that these are complex particle mixtures of varying size and shape. […]

Scrub and Pub 2024

Join us at the 2024 Scrub and Pub in Upper Merion Township where the community and partners gather to clean before it’s green. This event is registered with Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful in support of Pick Up PA, the Annual Spring Initiative — and the Schuylkill Scrub.  Thursday March 21st 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm  followed by a Happy […]

2024 Watershed Congress

Sharing information, tools, and practices for watershed protection and restoration The Watershed Congress has evolved since 1998 to advance the best available information and techniques for protecting and restoring watersheds. The focus on networking across disciplines means that the Watershed Congress melds science, policy, and practical applications into one program. As a result, the annual […]

Barrels and Beer Rain Barrel Workshop

Join Berks County Conservation District on March 23rd at Saucony Creek Brewery in Kutztown for “Barrels and Beer” a rain barrel workshop.  Enjoy a delicious Saucony Creek Brew while painting a rain barrel to take home.  Pre-registration required!  To register and for more information contact Jennifer at Jennifer.brooks@berkscd.com  

Small Drinking Water Systems Webinar Series: Harmful Algal Blooms

Establishing an Algal Toxin Rule and Regulatory Program in Rhode Island, an Informal Case Study Shannon Harrower-Nakama, Rhode Island Department of Health In 2019, Rhode Island was one of the earliest states to establish a HAB/cyanotoxin rule in the state public drinking water regulations, which also required the development of surrounding program infrastructure. This  presentation […]

Flood Mitigation: A Roadmap for Pennsylvania (Virtual)

In this panel presentation hosted by PASA, learn about the growing impact of severe floods and droughts on farms and other lands, and the role farmers and land stewards can play in directly mitigating damage caused by these natural disasters. We will also cover resources farmers can access to reduce exposure, take preventive measures, and […]

PFAS Regulations, Soup to Nuts Webinar

Pennsylvania Water Environment Association is hosting this presentation which will provide an overview of Pennsylvania’s regulatory program for PFAS, EPA’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap, and recent EPA PFAS-related initiatives affecting the water and wastewater sectors. Specific topics include PFAS drinking water standards, the significance of designating PFAS as hazardous substances under CERCLA, NPDES permitting, the impact […]

Creating Age-Friendly Communities with Green Infrastructure: How Addressing Needs of Children and Older Adults Benefits All (Webinar)

Check out the latest installment of EPA’s Green Infrastructure Webcast Series: Description: As we are experiencing unpredictable conditions intensified by climate change, discussion on who is the most vulnerable has focused on race, income and zip codes. Age, however, must also be part of the conversation because children and older adults are at a higher risk for […]