Planning for Flood Resilience: Integrating Hazard Mitigation and Floodplain Management Planning Webinar

Join FEMA for this webinar highlighting how local-level planning provides a framework for local governments to lessen the impacts of natural disasters, including flooding. Many local governments undertake multi-hazard mitigation planning to engage their community in understanding risks and developing mitigation actions. They can increase benefits of their planning process by designing it to also meet the […]

Virtual DEP Update On MS4 Stormwater Program, NPDES Water Quality Permitting

Join PA Society of Professional Engineers (PSPE) for a virtual meeting with Sean Furjanic, PE, Environmental Program Manager for the DEP Bureau of Clean Water, for an update on the Department’s activities related to the MS4 program and NPDES permitting, followed by a Q & A session with attendees. Questions can be submitted both in […]

The State of Stormwater Symposium: Programs and Fees in a post-West Chester Landscape

Register now for The State of Stormwater Symposium: Programs and Fees in a post-West Chester Landscape- a crash course on recent developments for stormwater management programs and fees, hosted and sponsored by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council being held on Wednesday, February 28th from 9 AM – 11AM.   Attend the hybrid Symposium, from the comfort of your computer over Zoom […]

The State of Stormwater Symposium: Programs and Fees in a post-West Chester Landscape

Register now for The State of Stormwater Symposium: Programs and Fees in a post-West Chester Landscape- a crash course on recent developments for stormwater management programs and fees, hosted and sponsored by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council being held on Wednesday, February 28th from 9 AM – 11AM.   Attend the hybrid Symposium, from the comfort of your computer over Zoom […]

Draft Blue Marsh Lake Master Plan Open House

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will host an open house on Feb. 29, 2024, to share details on a draft revision of the Blue Marsh Lake Master Plan. The open house will be held from 5-7 p.m. at the Berks County Agricultural Center, 1238 County Welfare Road, Leesport, PA 19533. The public open […]

Choose Native Workshop for Landscape Professionals – Philadelphia

Calling all Landscape Professionals! Professional landscapers and water gardeners are invited to register for one of three regional workshops provided by Pennsylvania Sea Grant, Penn State Extension, and regional partners focused on replacing invasive species with those native to Pennsylvania, in landscaping and water gardens. The March 2024 “Choose Native” workshops are free and continuing […]

Perkiomen Stormwater Symposium 2024

Join the Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy and their regional partners to dive deeper into the world of stormwater! Discover the different methods local organizations are using to tackle stormwater issues. Municipalities will walk away with educational materials and volunteer opportunities for their residents. This training is also designed to be a one-stop-shop for municipal staff, covering all six […]

Streambank Stabilization and Stream Crossings on Farms

Join this live virtual webinar offered by Penn State Extension and learn about conservation practices used to stabilize eroding streambanks, improve instream habitat, and provide suitable crossings on farms and other land uses. During Streambank Stabilization and Stream Crossings on Farms we will discuss different practices for stabilizing eroding streambanks on various land uses such […]

From A to C: The Connection Between Agriculture and Conservation with Senator Bob Casey

Senator Casey will join us for a comprehensive discussion on the intricate connection between conservation and agriculture in Pennsylvania. Together, we will explore the impact of the Farm Bill on local conservation efforts, review climate-smart agricultural practices and programs, and gain insights into the latest developments on Capitol Hill. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage […]

Webinar: Water Quality Data in the Delaware River Basin

Join the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed (CDRW) in partnership with the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) for an informative webinar on Water quality data in the Delaware River Basin (DRB) – the river and its tributaries. Learn how to access and use data for restoration, conservation, and recreation efforts. Click here to register

Webinar – Five Steps for a Healthier Farm Pond

Click here to learn more and register. Penn State Ext. Webinar: Learn about management steps you can take to reduce problems with algae and aquatic plants, water quality, nuisance wildlife, and leaks. Farm ponds can be used for a variety of reasons, from livestock drinking water to irrigation to fishing or just as a beautiful landscape […]

PA Rural Water Association Annual Conference

Location: Penn Stater Conference Center and Hotel 215 Innovation Boulevard State College, PA 16803   Join PA Rural Water Association for the largest training and exhibit conference for water & wastewater utilities. The conference provides three full days of training, up to 18 contact hours. There are over 70 courses to choose from and 130+ vendor exhibits. vening entertainment and meals are provided […]