EPA Informational Webinar: Proposed Water System Restructuring Assessment Rule

EPA will provide an overview of the proposed Water System Restructuring Assessment Rule (WSRAR) which outlines a framework for states, public water systems, and the communities they serve to evaluate options for restructuring to help ensure safe, reliable drinking water.  Water system restructuring changes may include operational changes, upgrades to or replacement of water system […]

Webinar – Planting for the Future: Native Plants, Green Jobs, and Equitable Climate Resilience

  Landscapes planted with native, locally-adapted plants have wide-ranging benefits including ecosystem connectivity, soil health, water infiltration, and more. As adoption of native, locally-adapted landscaping grows nationwide, the availability of suitable seed, plant starts, and skilled, knowledgeable tradespeople to plan, install, and maintain these landscapes presents an obstacle. At the same time, harmful effects of […]

Tools and Techniques for Increasing Traffic to Your Website and Improve Accessibility

Our organizations put a lot of work into keeping our website up-to-date, so how can we increase traffic to our website to more people? Join this webinar, presented by Rob Pierson of Piercing Digital, to learn more about free and low-cost tools to market your website, improve your search engine ranking, and make your website […]

Pennsylvania Invasive Species: Aquatic Invasive Species

Pennsylvania has identified over 150 invasive plants, insects, pathogens, and animals that significantly impact both the environment and agricultural production, resulting in annual economic losses amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars. The Pennsylvania Invasive Species webinar series is committed to addressing this critical issue Throughout the session, we will highlight some of the most problematic invasive […]

SAN Pathogens & Point Source and Stormwater Workgroups Tour

Join us in-person at Venice Island Performing Arts and Recreation Center (7 Lock St, Philadelphia, PA 19127) for a tour of the Manayunk Canal and discussion of Philadelphia Water Department’s Flatrock Dam Improvement Project. This in-person event offers a fantastic opportunity to delve into PWD’s ongoing infrastructure rehabilitation efforts to improve water quality, spotlighting GSI at […]

Watershed Land Collaborative + Schuylkill Highlands Cluster Meeting

Join us for the SAN Watershed Land Collaborative + Schuylkill Highlands Cluster Meeting at Berks Nature/The Nature Place. This in-person event brings together stakeholders passionate about preserving our watershed land and enhancing the Schuylkill Highlands. Network, share ideas, and collaborate on ways to protect our natural resources. Click here to register. Lunch will be provided for […]

2024 Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania Water Environment Association (PWEA)

The 2024 Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania Water Environment Association (PWEA) will be held at the Penn Stater Conference Center, State College, PA from June 16-19, 2024. This event boasts an average annual attendance of roughly 700 water quality professionals across Pennsylvania. Click here to learn more and register.

Webinar: Testing Emerging Contaminant Mixtures in Pennsylvania Private Wells

Join Penn State Extension for this free webinar. Despite the growing concern of the occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), and pesticides in drinking water in the United States, there is limited focus on private wells despite serving over 13 million people in […]

Protecting Water Quality On and Around Horse Farms (Webinar)

Horse farms have the potential to affect nearby surface water like streams and ponds. Runoff from farms can contain manure nutrients and soil, which are considered pollutants and impair nearby water quality. Join this Lunch and Learn webinar to discover how you can protect surface water quality on and around your farm! Click here to […]

Flower Punk Festival

Join Laura and the Storm and collaborating artists at Cosmic Arts Studio (310 E High St Pottstown, PA 19464) for an incredible celebration of the Summer Solstice! Tickets are $20 per person. Click here to learn more and purchase tickets

Webinar: Infrastructure Funding for Water Reuse

The EPA’s Water Reuse Program is hosting a webinar on June 26, 2024 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on infrastructure funding for water reuse. Join the webinar to learn about how programs across the federal government can be used to fund water reuse projects. Presenters will be sharing information from the from US EPA, […]