workgroup goal
To improve public awareness, equitable engagement, and support for environmental activities.
key actions
- Collaboration with diverse stakeholders for unified messaging.
- Educational initiatives highlighting the benefits of watershed protection.
- Engagement through stewardship and recreational opportunities.
- Implementation of programs to improve access to natural spaces.
The Engagement & Stewardship workgroup promotes environmental education, outreach, recreation, stewardship, and volunteerism in the Schuylkill River Watershed. The Engagement & Stewardship workgroup is designed to share resources and expertise among partners, promote environmental recreation and engagement opportunities to all communities, and ultimately enhance the perception and connection with the Schuylkill River Watershed.

featured event
NJ Dam Removal Partnership Fish Passage Training
November 13, 2024
There are currently no events for this workgroup.
INVESTING IN AMERICA: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $45 Million in Grant Awards for Connected, Active Transportation Infrastructure Projects
Pennsylvania receiving over $13M for multi-use trail project
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USGS launches groundwater monitoring project at Angelica Creek Park
Cover photo credit: Freshwaters Illustrated