NNCR Advanced Training: Effluent Exceedance (Webinar)

This webinar focuses on effluent exceedance violations on the quarterly National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Noncompliance Report (NNCR), which provides a comprehensive list of Clean Water Act violations and their resolutions to the public. The training focuses on when effluent exceedance violations are generated, criteria for assigning Category I versus II noncompliance, resolution of […]

Webinar: Urban Gardens and Soil Health

Join Penn State Extension for this webinar on urban gardening and soil health! The COVID-19 pandemic got a lot of folks engaged in gardening, especially in urban settings, for the first time. While gardening in urban settings can be rewarding, it can come with the risk of exposure to heavy metals and other pollutants that […]

Webinar: Uses and Benefits of Rain Barrels

Join Penn State Extension for this webinar on the Uses and Benefits of Rain Barrels. They will cover the various uses and benefits of rain barrels for a homeowner. The webinar will also cover a basic construction option for those interested in building a rain barrel on their property. Click here to learn more and register

Spring Fest at Bartram’s Garden

Join Bartram’s Garden for their free annual celebration of spring! This year’s schedule includes attractions from previous years: Plant nursery’s seasonal kick-off and sale Garden tours Vendor marketplace and community resource tables Children’s activities Plus special presentations and activities from community partners 10am: Medicinal Highlights of the Botanical Garden In Spring, led by Kelly McCarthy of Attic Apothecary […]

Leveraging U.S. Forest Service BIL Funds for Source Water Protection on Forested Lands

 Leveraging U.S. Forest Service BIL Funds for Source Water Protection on Forested Lands hosted by the Source Water Collaborative. The webinar is designed for State and Tribal water and forestry programs, water utilities, source water collaboratives and watershed groups, watershed, aquatic, and wildfire staff in the ten USFS Regions and Headquarters, conservation groups, conservation districts, and other forest and […]

SAN AMD Workgroup Tour

**Please note the date change from April 16 to April 23** Join SAN AMD Workgroup Partners in person for a tour of an active mining operation. We’ll meet in Tamaqua and carpool to the site from there. Trucks and vans are preferred carpooling vehicles for rough road conditions and to limit the total number of […]

Webinar: Emerging Findings on the Effects of Cover Crops on Grassland Birds

Join April’s NRCS Conservation Outcomes webinar to learn more about the wildlife benefits associated with cover crops: As the use of cover crops to improve soil health and reduce water quality concerns on working cropland has increased in recent years, questions have emerged regarding the value of cover crops to wildlife. For example, do cover crops […]

Spring Adopt-a-Tree Tree Planting Event

Join Riverbend Environmental Education Center 1950 SPRING MILL ROAD, GLADWYNE PA  19035 for their spring planting event Spring is a wonderful time to plant trees just as the preserve is coming back to life. Planting trees at the preserve helps combat climate change and maintain our local water supply as the trees we plant keep runoff from heading […]

Montco Trail Challenge

How to Register Join us for the 9th annual Montgomery County Trail Challenge! The Montco Trail Challenge will run April 27 – December 2, 2024. Registration is open! 1. Sign-up, registration is open! Print your official Montco Trail Challenge card (Spanish, Korean) or look for them at Montgomery County park and trail kiosks. Register yourself or any members of your household […]

U.S. EPA Small Drinking Water Systems Webinar: PFAS Drinking Water Regulation and Treatment Methods

Register Here A certificate of attendance will be offered for this webinar Overview of EPA’s Final PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation Presenter: Ashley Greene, EPA’s Office of Water This presentation will provide an overview of the final PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation, including the key regulatory requirements and timing for water systems and […]

SAN Ag Workgroup Agroforestry Site Tour

Join us for a fun and educational Agroforestry Site Tour organized by the SAN Ag Workgroup. Get ready to explore different agroforestry practices and learn from experts in the field. This in-person event is a great opportunity to network with fellow ag professionals and gain insights into sustainable agriculture practices.  Register here Additional Details: Parking is available […]

Berks County Conservation District Annual Conservation Celebration and Seedling Sale

On May 4, 2024, the Berks County Conservation District will hold its annual Conservation Celebration and Seedling Sale at Berks County Agricultural Center (1238 County Welfare Road, Leesport, PA) The day will be filled with live music by Golden Twine, a food truck by Schaeffer’s Catering, a rain barrel auction, Smokey Bear, the PA Woodmobile, […]