In 2014, Blue Mountain Middle School was part of a project that involved retrofitting a stormwater basin into a functioning rain garden. The project spanned over 4 days, with the students planting the rain garden, planting a row a trees, and participating in various outdoor environmental activities. More recently, a stormwater swale on their campus was retrofitted to include 3 separate rain gardens.
In May 2015, the eighth grade students will once again participated in 4 days of outdoor programming. They planted the rain gardens, learned about soil biology and local wildlife, went on a forestry walk, and hung blue bird boxes around their school.
Project Details
Workgroup: Stormwater
Source of Funding:
Date of Completion: 2014
General Location: Headwaters of the Schuylkill River
Leading Organization: Schuylkill Headwaters Association