Unami Creek Headwaters Stream Restoration

This first order headwater tributary of the Unami Creek (Perkiomen Watershed) is located within a generally rural farming community in Milford Township, Bucks County. Prior farming practices on an adjacent farm parcel included a plowing regimen that flushed stormwater run-off directly into the tributary carrying sediments, fertilizers and other farm chemicals to the Unami. Heavy sedimentation and invasive plants redirected the stream channel causing local flooding during most storm events.
The goal of the project was to restore this tributary to its original stream channel and reclaim its riparian buffer. Over 600’ of original stream channel was reclaimed. All of the invasive species were removed from the site and almost 500 native plants and shrubs were added to begin restoration of the buffer. Warm season grasses were added for streambank stabilization and deer management tools were used to protect newly planted trees.
The result of all of this work was reduced water temperatures in the stream, removal of sedimentation, a redefined and stabilized channel, reduction of local flooding, and the restoration of the streams riparian buffer, which not only addressed the primary stormwater issues but also enhanced wildlife and aquatic habitat. Milford Township was the primary project partner along with assistance from Aqua Pennsylvania.

Project Details

Workgroup: Stormwater
Source of Funding: Schuylkill River Restoration Fund, TreeVitalize
Date of Completion: 2011
General Location: Unami Creek Watershed
Leading Organization: Milford Township, Aqua Pennsylvania
Cost: $35,144

Cover photo credit: Ed Bacon