
Upcoming grant & award deadlines from PA Environment Digest:

Grant Program Funder Area of Interest Eligible Region Eligible Applicantssort ascending Award Amount Date Due
Water Level Monitoring Grants

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission is offering a new grant program to project sponsors specifically targeted to support the collection and reporting of water level data in groundwater production wells in the basin.

Grant funding is focused on needs such as purchasing, installing, or maintaining water level monitoring equipment, to provide the appropriate data collection methods to meet the Commission’s requirements to monitor and report operational data. Funding should have the potential to positively impact a project sponsor’s ability to report reliable water level data, develop a valuable resource of operational water level data, prepare for the permit renewal process, and allow informed management of a water system.

Grants may be used for projects that are not currently collecting water level data from their well(s) or may be used to upgrade equipment: to address equipment failure; to achieve better accuracy; to improve efficiency; or to automate water level measurement/recording.

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Susquehanna River Basin Commission
Area of Interest:
Eligible Region:
Susquehanna River Basin
Eligible Applicants:
Most projects in the Susquehanna River Basin approved to withdraw groundwater are eligible to apply. The program is open to both public and non-public project sponsors.
Award Amount:
up to $1,500 per source, with a facility cap of $7,500 per year
08/01/2021 will have second round open in spring of 2022
DVRPC Regional Trails Program

Partners across Greater Philadelphia are working to build a region-wide network of multi-use trails that people can use to bike, walk, roll, commute, exercise, relax, and meet neighbors and friends.  This network, called the Circuit Trails, connects communities across the nine counties of Greater Philadelphia and is a hub for national trails like the East Coast Greenway and 9/11 National Memorial Trail. About 370 miles of this 800-plus-mile network are complete.

Continuing to build the Circuit Trails and creating safe, accessible, and welcoming community connections to the network are two important goals to ensure the continuing success of this initiative. These goals are envisioned in the region’s long-range transportation plan, Connections 2050: Plan for Greater Philadelphia, and in DVRPC’s Regional Trails Program.

Capitalized with funding from the William Penn Foundation, a total of $1 million is available through this funding opportunity for projects in the nine-county Greater Philadelphia region to fund right-of-way acquisition, planning, design, and/or construction of multi-use trails and/or safe, accessible, and welcoming trailheads, gateways, and neighborhood connections.

 A strong emphasis is placed on equity and community engagement as part of this funding opportunity.

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DVRPC, William Penn Foundation
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship
Eligible Region:
Projects within a Census Tract(s) with Indicator of Potential Disadvantage scores of 3 or more per DVRPC Equity Analysis
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants may include state, county, municipal and city agencies and departments; nonprofit organizations and development corporations; or any other group with the capacity to carry out such a project. Trails must be fully open to the public.
Award Amount:
up to $100,000
National Water Quality Initiative

The EQIP National Water Quality Initiative will assist producers to address high-priority water resource concerns in watersheds identified as impaired by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This strategic approach will leverage funds and provide streamlined assistance to help individual agricultural producers take needed actions to reduce the flow of sediment, nutrients and other runoff into impaired waterways.

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Area of Interest:
Eligible Region:
priority watersheds
Year-round applications accepted
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Resources

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Guidebook - a roadmap of available funding under the law and program-by-program information, including a sortable data file of resources

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Technical Assistance Guide

EPA Landing Page for Infrastructure Law Programs and Assistance


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Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Stormwater, Watershed Land Protection
Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Grants

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced on May 6th, 2020 the availability of $3 million for grants through its new Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production. The competitive grants will support the development of urban agriculture and innovative production projects through two categories: 

  • Planning Projects ($1 million for projects that initiate or expand efforts of farmers, gardeners, citizens, government officials, schools and other stakeholders in urban areas and suburbs.)
  • Implementation Projects ($2 million for projects that accelerate existing and emerging models of urban, indoor and other agricultural practices that serve multiple farmers.)
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Area of Interest:
Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship
Eligible Region:
Award Amount:
NEP Coastal Watersheds Grant Program

The National Estuaries Program's Coastal Watersheds Grants are part of a nationally competitive program designed to support projects that address urgent and challenging issues threatening the well-being of coastal and estuarine areas within determined estuaries of national significance. Congressionally-set project priorities include loss of key habitats, harmful algal blooms, invasive species, flooding and coastal erosion, nutrient and warm water impacts, and contaminants of emerging concern. Click here for more info.

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Area of Interest:
Eligible Region:
Designated geographic areas of significance:
Award Amount:
$75,000 - $250,000
Lancaster Clean Water Fund

Clean water is a priority for partners across all of Lancaster County, especially since over half of our streams and much of our groundwater are unhealthy.

The Lancaster Clean Water Fund serves as a catalyst for increased collaboration to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of current and future clean water projects in accordance with the Lancaster Countywide Action Plan.

Since 2019, the fund has provided $972,000 to 16 nonprofits and municipalities working on stream restoration, riparian buffer plantings, agricultural BMPs, education, and stormwater management projects. The fund addresses the immense need for clean water work throughout the county, and provides financial support to bring ideas to life.

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Several Lancaster Clean Water Partners
Area of Interest:
Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Stormwater
Eligible Region:
Lancaster County
Award Amount:
Up to $50,000
Met-Ed/Penelec Sustainable Energy Fund

The fund provides grants and program-related investments for projects serving the Met-Ed and Penelec electric companies in Pennsylvania that meet the mission of the fund to support:
• the development and use of renewable energy and clean energy technologies
• energy conservation and efficiency
• sustainable energy businesses
• projects that improve the environment in the companies’ service territories, as defined by their relationship to the companies’ transmission and distribution facilities

The fund will award multiple grants of $2,000 to $50,000 for projects within or substantially affecting the Met-Ed and Penelec territories. Program-related investments in addition to this amount may be considered. Program-related investments range from $25,000 to $500,000.

Questions should be addressed to Kevin Lugo, Energy and the Environment Program Officer of the Berks County Community Foundation, at

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Metropolitan Edison Company
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship
Eligible Region:
Met-Ed service territory
Award Amount:
$2,000 to $50,000
March 15, 2022
​R3 Grant Program

Recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of anglers and boaters is important to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC). The R3 Education Grant Program (R3 Grant) provides funding to support R3-related educational programs delivered by our partners. Supporting partners in their efforts significantly increases learning opportunities for current, past, and future anglers and boaters.

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Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship
Award Amount:
up tp $25,000
PA Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Grants

Proposals are invited for research topics including animal health and welfare and its interactions with human and environmental health; study of the impacts of mental health challenges on farm success, the availability of on-farm housing for farm workers, and strategies for recruiting and retaining an agriculture workforce; and consumer research on the appeal of biodegradable packaging and new uses for milk proteins and milk-based products.

Additional research topics invited include studies of the economic impacts of pest infestations; water and soil management practices on farms in the Chesapeake Bay watershed that have not received state or federal funding; and programs and initiatives in the PA Pollinator Protection Plan and the PA Farm Bill. Full proposal guidelines can be found in the PA Bulletin.

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PA Department of Agriculture
Area of Interest:
Eligible Region:
May 13, 2022
