
Upcoming grant & award deadlines from PA Environment Digest:

Grant Program Funder Area of Interest Eligible Regionsort ascending Eligible Applicants Award Amount Date Due
NRCS Farm Bill Program Assistance

Through a cooperative agreement, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD), have made available $9 million in technical assistance grants to six Pennsylvania conservation districts to help implement Farm Bill Programs. The funds will increase the technical capacity among conservation districts, allowing them to work with more farmers and landowners to address natural resouce concerns. For additional information, please contact your local USDA NRCS Service Center or conservation district.

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Area of Interest:
Award Amount:
No min or max
Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production (UAIP) Competitive Grants Program

The primary goal of the UAIP projects is to support the development of urban agriculture and innovative production. The UAIP grants being made available for application under this NFO support planning and implementation activities. Planning activities will initiate, develop, or support the efforts of farmers, gardeners, citizens, government officials, schools, members of tribal communities, and other stakeholders in areas where access to fresh foods are limited or unavailable. Implementation activities will accelerate existing and emerging models of urban and/or innovative agricultural practices that serve multiple farmers or gardeners. Innovation may include new and emerging, as well as indigenous or non-traditional agricultural practices.

Grants can include Planning or Implementation activities:

Planning Activities
Planning activities may include:

  • assessing community needs within the local food system;
  • researching how food is grown, distributed, or marketed and/or recommending safe growing practices such as soil tests and environmental assessments.
  • evaluating how urban agriculture and innovative production can address issues of food access, nutrition, education, conservation, and economic development.
  • creating partnerships to improve growing, distributing and marketing of nutritious food;
  • conducting business planning, feasibility studies, and other strategies, such as community resource development;
  • developing local policy on zoning laws supporting urban agriculture and innovative production; and/or
  • creating educational materials and programs that increase knowledge about food and agriculture and encourage careers in urban agriculture and innovative production;

Implementation Activities
Implementation activities may include:

  • increasing food production
  • promoting agricultural businesses
  • providing mentoring, job training, and resources for underserved populations;
  • implementing best practices to address food access, zoning, composting, land access, soil health;
  • integrating emerging technologies, infrastructure needs (such as access to water and utilities);
  • supporting community education about food systems, nutrition, agriculture production, and environment impact;
  • operating community gardens or nonprofit farms that offer hands-on training in farming or gardening through virtual or web-based formats; and/or
  • providing K-12 schools with educational resources or programs that increase student knowledge and access to locally grown foods.

For new users of, see Section D. of the full Notice of Funding Opportunity for information about steps required before applying via

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USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Area of Interest:
Eligible Applicants:
City or township governments County governments Special district governments Independent school districts Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) Native American tribal organizations
Award Amount:
$75,000 - $350,000
Keep Communities Flowing Grant

Programs focused on clean water, conservation, environmental education, climate variability, and water-based recreation. Examples include programs that improve, restore or protect watersheds/water quality; promote water conservation; and/or improve equitable access to water-based recreation in underserved communities. Environmental projects that seek to educate, inform and advance environmental issues to preserve and protect natural resources.

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American Water
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Recreation, Stormwater, Watershed Land Protection
Eligible Applicants:
501c3 and K-12 public school, college or university
​Urban Agriculture Infrastructure Grant

The Urban Agriculture Infrastructure Grant Program (UAI) provides funding in the form of a reimbursement grant to eligible applicants seeking to improve urban agriculture infrastructure in Pennsylvania. 

These grants will build out the infrastructure of urban agriculture by investing in the system, filling gaps, encouraging entities to work together, finding ways to bring operations to a greater scale, overcoming food deserts, and opening opportunities for people to become social entrepreneurs.

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PA Department of Agriculture
Area of Interest:
Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Stormwater
Eligible Applicants:
Individuals, Partnerships, Associations, Businesses, Municipal Governments
Award Amount:
PACD 2021-22 Stormwater Training Video Mini-Grant Program for Conservation Districts

Thanks to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s continuing support of conservation district educational projects, PACD is ready to open a round of Stormwater Training Video Mini-grants!

Conservation district staff are a great resource. We are looking to share your expertise and offer five mini-grants up to $2,000 for districts to develop content. Conservation districts will use grant funds to develop instructional videos on the operation and maintenance needs of a specific best management practice (BMP) for MS4 permittees. BMP types prioritized for funding are: detention basins and extended detention basins, rain gardens/bioretention basins, infiltration basins, and vegetated swales.

Only one mini-grant will be awarded per BMP. Mini-grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Conservation districts may apply for more than one mini-grant, but preference will be given to districts who have not been awarded a mini-grant.

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Area of Interest:
Eligible Applicants:
Conservation district staff
Award Amount:
up to $2,000
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program - Mini Grants

PACD is now accepting mini-grant applications for up to $3,000 to implement educational and outreach activities that support and extend the work of the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). Projects should focus on CREP enrollment, re-enrollment, and/or CREP maintenance.

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Area of Interest:
Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Watershed Land Protection
Eligible Applicants:
landowners, contractors, municipal officials, watershed organizations and homeowners
Award Amount:
Up to $3,000
