
Upcoming grant & award deadlines from PA Environment Digest:

Grant Program Fundersort descending Area of Interest Eligible Region Eligible Applicants Award Amount Date Due
Bare Root Tree Program

The new TreeVitalize Bare Root Tree program aims to assist communities in Pennsylvania with increasing the tree canopy and commitment to urban and community forests.  This program provides up to 20 large caliper bare root trees for planting on land owned by a municipality (streets and parks) or non-profit organizations. This is a first come/first serve grant program.

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Tree Pennsylvania
Area of Interest:
Eligible Region:
Pennsylvania except for Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia Counties
Eligible Applicants:
municipalities, non-profits
Award Amount:
Up to 20 large caliper bare root trees (approx. $2,000 value)
Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) is soliciting proposals to conserve, restore, and connect people with fish and wildlife habitat in the Delaware River watershed. The Delaware River Program will award matching grants of $75,000 to $1,500,000 each to conserve, restore and protect habitats on public and private land that contribute to the overall health of the Delaware River watershed—as well as benefit the quality of life and economic vitality of the communities in the Delaware River watershed. 

Full Proposal Due Date: Thursday, March 21 2024 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time

  • In 2024, NFWF will award DWCF grants in four grant categories including: Implementation Grants; Capacity Building Grants; Planning Grants; and Research, Monitoring & Evaluation Grants. More information on the anticipated grant amount range and match requirements per category is located in the RFP.
  • As with previous years, the DWCF seeks to support projects which increase equitable access and community engagement, especially for underserved communities, with the goal of providing opportunities for all to experience the benefits of a healthy Delaware River Watershed. Proposals should include specific demographic details (age, race, ethnicity, poverty rates, unemployment) to highlight communities disproportionately vulnerable to environmental hazards.
  • One million dollars of the available funding will be set aside for proposals that support management, research, monitoring, and/or outreach activities that have direct conservation benefits or meet other priority needs of ESA-listed species, at-risk species, or NFWF business plan species (see the related content section of the RFP for a list of species and additional guidance on priority species conservation).
  • New in 2024, NFWF has approximately $400,000 in dedicated funding from NRCS to support projects under the DWCF working on private, working lands that provide technical assistance to direct staff resources to help agricultural producers design and implement conservation practices benefitting American Black Duck and Golden-winged warbler, target species under USDA's Working Lands for Wildlife program, within the watershed.  
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U.S Fish & Wildlife Service with additional funding from USDA NRCS
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Stormwater, Watershed Land Protection
Eligible Region:
Delaware River watershed
Eligible Applicants:
Federal, state, and local governments, educational institutions and nonprofit organizations
Award Amount:
$75,000 to $1,500,000
Healthy Watersheds Consortium Grant

The goal of the HWC Grant Program is to “accelerate strategic protection of healthy, freshwater ecosystems and their watersheds”, with primary focus on prevention of land deterioration by protecting healthy watersheds that already have many of their services and systems intact.

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U.S. Endowment of Forestry and Communities, U.S. Environmental Protection, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Recreation, Stormwater, Watershed Land Protection
Eligible Region:
United States and U.S. Territories
Eligible Applicants:
nonprofit, non-governmental organizations, interstate agencies, and intertribal consortia
Award Amount:
$2.1M; 40% match
May 10, 2024 at 11:59pm
Environmental Education (EE) Grant

The purpose of the Environmental Education Local Grants Program in Region 3 (PA) is to support locally-focused environmental education projects that increase public awareness and knowledge about environmental issues and provide the skills that participants in its funded projects need to make informed decisions and take responsible actions toward the environment.

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship
Eligible Region:
United States
Eligible Applicants:
Local education agency, college or university, state education or environmental agency, nonprofit organization, or a noncommercial educational broadcasting entity
Award Amount:
$50,000 - $100,000
EPA Brownfields Grants

EPA's Brownfields Grant Funding programs provide direct funding for brownfields assessment, planning, cleanup, revolving loans, environmental job training, technical assistance, training, and/or research. This may include abandoned mine lands, communitity outreach, and environmental planning.

With this funding opportunity, we will remove longstanding barriers to brownfields reuse and spur new sustainable and environmentally just redevelopment in communities across the nation,” said Carlton Waterhouse, EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Land and Emergency Management. “During this grant cycle, our expanded funding will allow us to address more sites plaguing underserved areas, and in some instances, award grants of greater funding levels. In the case of our Brownfields Cleanup Grants and our Revolving Loan Fund Grants, the President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding allows us to remove the matching funds requirements.”

EPA anticipates awarding approximately 198 grants nationwide at amounts ranging from $500,000 to $2 million per award. A portion of the funding available during this grant cycle, approximately $104 million, is available through President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which makes a historic investment in cleaning up legacy pollution and delivering economic benefits. With this funding more vacant and abandoned properties will be turned into community assets that will attract jobs and promote economic revitalization in communities.

A link to each of the Request for Application notices, additional application resources, and links to attend the webinars are available on the MARC Grant Application Resources page.

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Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Engagement & Stewardship
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Award Amount:
Varies between $500,000 to $2,000,000
November 22, 2022
NEP Coastal Watersheds Grant Program

The National Estuaries Program's Coastal Watersheds Grants are part of a nationally competitive program designed to support projects that address urgent and challenging issues threatening the well-being of coastal and estuarine areas within determined estuaries of national significance. Congressionally-set project priorities include loss of key habitats, harmful algal blooms, invasive species, flooding and coastal erosion, nutrient and warm water impacts, and contaminants of emerging concern. Click here for more info.

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Area of Interest:
Eligible Region:
Designated geographic areas of significance:
Award Amount:
$75,000 - $250,000
Environmental Justice Small Grants Program

The Environmental Justice Small Grants Program supports and empowers communities working on solutions to local environmental and public health issues. The program is designed to help communities understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks. Environmental Justice Small Grants fund projects up to $75,000, depending on the availability of funds in a given year. All projects are associated with at least one qualified environmental statute.

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Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Recreation, Stormwater, Watershed Land Protection
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
community-based organizations
Award Amount:
Up to $75,000
State Wildlife Grant Program

Funds for the State Wildlife Grants program (SWG) are provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to keep species from becoming federally listed as threatened or endangered. Annually appropriated by the U.S. Congress, Pennsylvania's funds are apportioned between the Fish and Boat Commission and Game Commission to address each agencies' trust species and habitats. The priority topic for the project will help support Pennsylvania's amphibian and reptile Species of Greatest Conservation Need found in the 2015-2025 Pennsylvania Wildlife Action Plan

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
Area of Interest:
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Any organization, agency, person, etc. in PA
Award Amount:
Up to 65% of total project costs
Wild & Scenic Rivers Stewardship Partnership Funding

River Network and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) are excited to announce a funding opportunity for nonprofit organizations working on stewardship activities on USFS administered Wild and Scenic Rivers (WSR). Partnership funding will range from $5,000-$10,000 per award for work occurring between August 1 and December 31, 2019. Stewardship projects - e.g. water quality monitoring, river cleanups, habitat restoration, stormwater management, trail delineations, and many more - must protect or enhance Wild and Scenic Rivers.

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U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and River Network
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Recreation, Stormwater, Watershed Land Protection
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Nonprofit organizations working on stewardship activities on USFS administered Wild and Scenic Rivers (WSR)
Award Amount:
Not-for Profit Acid Mine Drainage Watershed Cooperative Agreement (WCAP) Programs

The federal Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) is now offering grants for acid mine drainage treatment through the Watershed Cooperative Agreement Program to not-for-profit 501(c)3 entities. WCAP is designed to be partnered with other funding sources to assist groups such as small watershed organizations to complete local AMD reclamation projects. Projects typically involve small to moderate flow discharges from abandoned underground or surface coal mines, using passive treatment technology.

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U.S. Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
501(c)(3) nonprofits other than higher education
Award Amount:
$1 - $100,000
