
Upcoming grant & award deadlines from PA Environment Digest:

Grant Programsort ascending Funder Area of Interest Eligible Region Eligible Applicants Award Amount Date Due
Community Mini-Grants for PA AMD Projects

In 2021, the Reclaiming Appalachia Coalition will award mini-grants for projects on abandoned mine lands (AML) in Alabama, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. The grant award will consist of funding between $3,500 and $12,000, as well as technical and planning assistance from Downstream Strategies. The grants are intended to provide resources and support to turn viable land reuse concepts into fundable projects.

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Reclaiming Appalachia Coalition
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage
Eligible Region:
Alabama, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio
Eligible Applicants:
state and local governments, economic development organizations, nonprofits, local communities, non-government organizations, and businesses or individuals that would be willing to find community or government partners.
Award Amount:
$3,500 - $12,000
Community Conservation Partnerships Program Grants

DCNR’s Bureau of Recreation and Conservation (BRC) assists local governments and recreation and conservation organizations with funding for projects related to parks, recreation, planning, and conservation. Applications for DCNR’s Community Conservation Partnerships Program grants are accepted once a year, typically during the spring. Grants also support regional and statewide partnerships that build capacity to better develop and manage resources.

Tutorial videos: 

Before starting your grant application, contact your DCNR Bureau of Recreation and Conservation regional advisor for advice on making your project as competitive as possible for funding.

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Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR)
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship, Recreation, Watershed Land Protection
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Counties, Municipalities, Municipal agencies, Nonprofis, State Heritage Areas, Prequalified land trusts, For-profit enterprises
Award Amount:
Coldwater Heritage Partnership (CHP)

The purpose of the Coldwater Heritage Partnership (CHP) is to provide leadership, coordination, technical assistance, and funding support for the evaluation, conservation, and protection of Pennsylvania’s coldwater streams.

Goals of the program include:

  • Foster a greater public understanding of watershed characteristics and how they affect coldwater ecosystems;
  • Identify special areas of concern, such as areas with exceptional water quality with high potential for impacts;
  • Produce conservation plans that will lead to additional planning or implementation of projects that protect and enhance our coldwater ecosystems; and
  • Provide technical assistance and financial opportunities to organizations dedicated to protecting coldwater ecosystems.
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Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Stormwater
Eligible Region:
PA coldwater streams and their watersheds
Eligible Applicants:
watershed associations, conservancies, conservation districts, municipalities, and local chapters of Trout Unlimited
Award Amount:
Up to $7,500 (planning) or $15,000 (implementation)
Coastal Zone Grants

This sub-grant program funds planning, design, engineering, education, outreach, construction, acquisition, and research projects for coastal areas, wetlands, public access, intergovernmental organization, non-point source areas, and more. See criteria listed in the Grant Application Instruction Guide.

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Area of Interest:
Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Stormwater
Eligible Region:
Delaware Estuary or Lake Erie Coastal Zones
Eligible Applicants:
Local governments, area-wide agencies, state agencies, educational institutions, conservation districts, port authorities, public authorities, Incorporated nonprofit, including 501(c)(3), organizations
Award Amount:
Up to $75,000
Climate Change Investment Initiative (2c2i)

The Climate Change Investment Initiative (2c2i℠), launched by The Exelon Foundation and Exelon Corporation, concentrates on startups that will help mitigate or adapt to climate change (e.g. reducing GHG emissions, energy efficienty improvements, renewable energy, flood mitigation, stormwater management, etc.) in Atlantic City, Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington DC and Wilmington DE. The goal is for the start-up to begin and make as much progress around the Impact Project as possible in partnership with Exelon
within 12 months of receiving investment under 2c2i.

-- You can apply for the next 2C2I Cohort today by completing and submitting our application.

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Area of Interest:
Eligible Region:
Atlantic City, Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington DC and Wilmington DE
Eligible Applicants:
Start-up companies
Award Amount:
100,000 - 300,000
Citizens Bank Champions in Action

The 2022 theme is Supporting Environmental Sustainability

The Champions in Action award will be presented to nonprofit organizations that will use the contribution to improve or implement environmentally sustainable practices or programs, however the mission of the organization does not need to be focused on environmental sustainability. To be eligible, organizations must have assessed their own impact on the environment and be committed to taking meaningful action to address this important work.

Selected Champions receive

  • $35,000 in Funding
  • Local Media Coverage
  • Volunteer Support
  • Promotional Opportunities
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Citizens Bank
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Stormwater, Watershed Land Protection
Eligible Region:
Eastern or Western Pennsylvania
Eligible Applicants:
• Nonprofit organization with a total operating budget of $5 million or less, provide proof of tax-exempt status under Internal Revenue Code Section 501c3 and have not received Champions in Action designation within the past 5 years.
Award Amount:
August 19, 2022
Chester County Preservation Partnership Program (PPP) - Municipal Grants

The Chester County Department of Parks + Preservation Municipal Grant Program advances the County's Strategic Plan by awarding funds to local governments to assist them with providing parks, trails, and preserves for their citizens. Please contact Judy Thomas at 610-344-5499 or to find out more about these programs and the grant application process.

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Chester County Department of Parks and Preservation
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship, Watershed Land Protection
Eligible Region:
Chester County
Eligible Applicants:
municipalities and land-owning municipal recreation authorities
Award Amount:
up to 50% of acquisition costs
February 29, 2024
Chester County Preservation Partnership Program (PPP) - Conservancy Grants

The Conservancy Program advances the County's Strategic Plan by awarding funds to non-profit land conservation organizations to assist them with preserving land and connecting people to the land. Please contact Judy Thomas at 610-344-5499 or to find out more about these programs and the grant application process. 

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Chester County Department of Parks and Preservation
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship, Watershed Land Protection
Eligible Region:
Chester County
Eligible Applicants:
Nonprofit, 501c3 land conservation and preservation organizations and meet additional criteria in grant guidance
Award Amount:
range depending on grant subtype
February 29, 2024
Boyertown Area Charitable Giving Program

The Boyertown Area Charitable Program provides grants for programs that improve the quality of life for the residents of the Boyertown Area School District. For questions regarding this opportunity, please email Kevin Lugo, Energy and the Environment Program Officer, at

Apply via the Berks County Community Foundation's online portal here

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Berks County Community Foundation
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Stormwater, Watershed Land Protection
Eligible Region:
Boyertown area school district
August 15, 2022
Boating Facility Grant Program

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) created the Boating Facility Grant Program to provide grants for rehabilitation, expansion or construction of new boat ramps, bulkheads, courtesy floats, access roads, parking areas, restrooms, signs and localized landscaping to benefit and directly support recreational boating on Commonwealth waters. The goal of the program is to ensure Pennsylvania’s recreational boaters have access to the highest quality boating facilities. Grant recipients are responsible for at least 50% of the proposed project cost. This 50% match can be cash, the fair market value of any labor or materials, a combination thereof, or grants from other federal, state or local funding sources.

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PA Fish & Boat
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Public entities, nonprofit groups including land trusts, conservancies and watershed associations
Award Amount:
50% of total project cost
