Upcoming grant & award deadlines from PA Environment Digest: http://www.paenvironmentdigest.com/newsletter/default.asp?NewsletterArticleID=45853&SubjectID=
Grant Program | Funder | Area of Interest | Eligible Region | Eligible Applicants | Award Amount | Date Due |
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program - Mini Grants
PACD is now accepting mini-grant applications for up to $3,000 to implement educational and outreach activities that support and extend the work of the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). Projects should focus on CREP enrollment, re-enrollment, and/or CREP maintenance. View More |
Area of Interest:
Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Watershed Land Protection |
Eligible Applicants:
landowners, contractors, municipal officials, watershed organizations and homeowners |
Award Amount:
Up to $3,000 |
12/12/2021 | |
Outreach & Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers & Ranchers
This program provides federal grants to assist organizations that work with farmers of color and military veterans in owning and operating successful farms. They can also be used to help historically underserved farmers directly access USDA programs. View More |
Area of Interest:
Agriculture |
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Community-based organizations, networks, & coalitions; Land Grant Institutions; Hispanic serving institutions; Tribal governments, organizations, & community colleges; other institutions of higher education |
Award Amount:
Up to $250,000 |
Rolling |
People, Parks, and Power: A National Initiative for Green Space, Health Equity, and Racial Justice
Urban parks and green spaces—playgrounds, pocket parks, outdoor recreation facilities, open spaces, trails, gardens, and green infrastructure—are crucial for community health and well-being, a fact made clear during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite widespread appreciation for the health and environmental benefits of urban parks and green spaces, evidence shows persistent inequities in access, availability, quality of facilities, and programming, by race, place, and income. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is working to build a Culture of Health where everyone in America has a fair and just opportunity to live the healthiest life possible. Park equity is a key component of this vision. View More |
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation |
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Recreation, Stormwater, Watershed Land Protection |
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
public entities or nonprofit organizations that are tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) |
Award Amount:
Up to $250,000 |
11/04/2021 |
Act 13 - Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program (GTRP)
Act 13 of 2012 establishes the Marcellus Legacy Fund and allocates funds to the Commonwealth Financing Authority (the “Authority”) for planning, acquisition, development, rehabilitation and repair of greenways, recreational trails, open space, parks and beautification projects using the Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program (GTRP). Projects which involve development, rehabilitation and improvements to public parks, recreation areas, greenways, trails and river conservation. Applications will be accepted between February 1st and May 31st of each year. All applications and required supplemental information must be received by May 31st. View More |
Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development |
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship, Recreation, Stormwater, Watershed Land Protection |
Eligible Region:
Pennsylvania |
Eligible Applicants:
For-profit Businesses, Municipalities, Councils of Governmnets, Authorized Organizations, Institutions of Higher Education, Non-profit Organizations |
Award Amount:
Up to $250,000 |
05/31 of each year |
Act 13 - Baseline Water Quality Data Program
Act 13 of 2012 establishes the Marcellus Legacy Fund and allocates funds to the Commonwealth Financing Authority (the “Authority”) to be used to fund statewide initiatives to establish baseline water quality data on private water supplies using the Baseline Water Quality Data Program (BWQDP). Projects which involve practices for water sample collection and analysis to document existing groundwater quality conditions on private water supplies. Applications will be accepted between February 1st and May 31st of each year. All applications and required supplemental information must be received by May 31st. View More |
Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development |
Area of Interest:
Pathogens and Point Source |
Eligible Region:
Pennsylvania |
Eligible Applicants:
Municipalities, Councils of Governments, Authorized Organizations, Institutions of Higher Education, Watershed Organizations, For-Profit Businesses |
Award Amount:
Up to $250,000 |
05/31 annually |
R3 Education Grant Program
Recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of anglers and boaters is important to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC). The R3 Education Grant Program (R3 Grant) provides funding to support R3-related educational programs delivered by our partners. The PFBC welcomes applications for the development and delivery of education programs that contribute to the Commission’s efforts to: • Retain current anglers and boaters, and reactivate former anglers and boaters. • Increase the diversity of PA's angler and boater population by recruiting and retaining under-represented audiences to a level comparable to their presence in the overall population of Pennsylvania. View More |
PA Fish & Boat |
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship, Recreation |
Eligible Region:
Pennsylvania |
Eligible Applicants:
school districts, universities and colleges, community and civic groups, sportsmen’s and conservation organizations, and local recreation departments |
Award Amount:
Up to $25,000 |
April 14, 2023 |
Pennsylvania Lake Management Society Mini-Grants
The Pennsylvania Lake Management Society (PALMS), with funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, is pleased to offer assistance to address lake-related issues of critically eroded shorelines, excess nutrient loading, and/or aquatic invasive species that degrade the quality of lakes in the Commonwealth. Through this program, we are offering a limited number of mini-grants on a competitive basis of up to $24,000 to correct identified lake problems such as stabilize shorelines, establish riparian buffers, reduce nutrients, and control invasive species. View More |
Pennsylvania Lake Management Society |
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Stormwater |
Eligible Applicants:
county and state agencies, municipalities, non-profits, and landowners |
Award Amount:
up to $24,000 |
01/28/2022 | |
Food and Agriculture Service Learning Program
The purpose of the Food and Agriculture Service Learning Program is to increase the knowledge of agricultural science. The program’s goal is to increase the capacity for food, garden, and nutrition education while fostering higher levels of community engagement between farms and school systems by bringing together stakeholders from distinct parts of the food system. The initiative is part of a broader effort to not only increase access to school meals for low-income children, but also to dramatically improve their quality. View More |
Area of Interest:
Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship |
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
State agricultural experiment stations; colleges and universities; university research foundations; other research institutions and organizations; Federal agencies; national laboratories; private organizations, foundations, or corporations; individuals |
Award Amount:
Up to $225,000 |
05/03/2021 |
2022 Driving Mobility and Accessibility on Public Lands Grant
With support from Toyota Motor North America, the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) is pleased to announce $150,000 in grant funding to make public lands more accessible and enjoyable for Americans of all abilities. When the system of public lands in the United States was first created, its mission was to “preserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and beauty...for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.” Today, land management agencies are tasked with the ongoing challenge of preserving ecologically and historically important sites—while making sure that they remain accessible to all segments of the population, including people with disabilities (From NEEF’s Public Land Engagement Guide: https://www.neefusa.org/conservation/public-lands-engagement/activity-guides/focus-on-accessibility-guide). According to the Centers for Disease Control (https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/disabilityandhealth/infographic-disability-impacts-all.html), 61 million Americans are living with a disability and 26% of adults in the US have some type of disability. The National Park Service conservatively estimates that a minimum of 28 million visitors with disabilities from all over the world visit national parks annually. Making sure that everyone truly has access to our shared public lands and waters is an ongoing challenge, supported by activists, outdoors organizations, and land management agencies themselves. NEEF, among other organizations, is committed to making the environment more accessible, relatable, relevant, and connected to people’s daily lives. View More |
National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) |
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship |
Eligible Region:
United States |
Eligible Applicants:
Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations, state or federal government agencies, and federally recognized tribes and local governments. |
Award Amount:
Up to $20,000 |
8/31/2021 |
2023 Urgent Issue on Water Trail Mini-Grant
This pilot project is an approach to providing funding for urgent, unforeseen situations on designated water trails that impede or impair access, create unsafe conditions/ safety concerns for paddlers or others who want to access the water trail, affect safe ingress/egress from the water trail, etc. Such situations could include, but are not limited to,
In short, the situation must be caused by an “unanticipated” event, or one that could not be reasonably planned for. A known ongoing situation that was simply not addressed in time would not qualify. This funding should be viewed as a “last resort.” If the applicant is not the Water Trail Manager, applicant must contact the Water Trail Manager before applying to this funding. Additional, all applicants must contact one of the Water Trail Program Partners at PEC, DCNR or PFBC prior to applying. View More |
Pennsylvania Environmental Council/PA DCNR |
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship |
Eligible Region:
PA Water Trails |
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible applicants include registered non-profit organizations and public entities (such as a county, municipality, or municipal agency). |
Award Amount:
up to $2,000 |
rolling up to 12/31/2024 |