
Upcoming grant & award deadlines from PA Environment Digest:

Grant Program Funder Area of Interest Eligible Regionsort descending Eligible Applicants Award Amount Date Due
PennDOT Multimodal Transportation Fund

The Multimodal Transportation Fund stabilizes funding for ports and rail freight, increases aviation investments, establishes dedicated funding for bivyvle and pedestrian improvements, and allows targeted funding for priority investments in any mode. Eligible projects include trail, bike, and pedestrian safety. Projects should coordinate local land use with transportation assets to enhance existing communities.

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Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship, Recreation, Stormwater
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Municipalities, council of governments, business/non-profit organizations, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, public airports, airport authorities, and ports and rail entities
Multi-functional Riparian Buffer Grants

Pennsylvania’s conservation districts are encouraged to apply for funding to install multi-functional buffers (A riparian forest buffer that provides opportunities for harvesting products such as nuts, berries, woody florals, forbs, and potentially woody biomass) in conjunction with landowners. This grant is first come first served. The grant round will stay open until funds are used up or June 30, 2022, whichever comes first. No match required.

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Pennsylvania Assocation of Conservation Districts, Inc. (PACD)
Area of Interest:
Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Stormwater
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Pennsylvania Conservation Districts and Landowners
Award Amount:
No min or max
PA DEP Environmental Education Grants

2023 Environmental Education Grant Round:
Opens September 2022

DEP’s Environmental Education Grants Program welcomes applications for the development of innovative formal and non-formal environmental education projects that:

1) Address grant program priorities

2) Provide opportunities to expand the public’s understanding of Pennsylvania’s environmental issues

3) Develop skills required to make informed decisions and take responsible action on behalf of the environment.


A 2023 Grants Program webinar will be held Tuesday, September 27, 2022 from Noon - 1:30 pm. Registration is required2023 EE Grants Webinar registration


Grants are offered at 3 levels depending on scope of the project. Funding is provided on a reimbursement basis.

Mini Grants  up to $5,000 may be awarded for local (school, county, municipality or other defined area) environmental education projects. 

General Grants (Level I): From $5,001 up to $30,000 may be awarded for implementation of large-scale, regional and/or statewide environmental education projects.

General Grants (Level II): From $30,001 to $85,000 may be awarded for non-formal environmental education programs designed to widely* engage teachers and youth at the county, state and national levels. (*Teachers and students from at least 60 Pennsylvania counties must directly participate in the project). Additionally, the project must demonstrate that at least 30% of program participants are community members of an Environmental Justice Area.


2023 Project Period: July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024

Application Round Opens: September 2022

Application Deadline: December 9, 2022 at 4:59pm

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Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Public schools and school districts, Incorporated private schools, Incorporated conservation and education organizations and institutions, Universities and colleges, County conservation districts, Businesses
Award Amount:
Up to $85,000
Agricultural Management Assistance Program

Agricultural Management Assistance (AMA) provides funding assistance to help agricultural producers reduce risk by voluntarily installing conservation practices to address issues such as water management, water quality, and erosion control.

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USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Area of Interest:
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants must have an interest in an agricultural operation, either as a producer of crops or livestock, or as an owner of land.
Fall 2022 Supplement - Community Conservation Partnerships Program Grants

Supplemental Funding Round for Fall 2022!

PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources' Bureau of Recreation and Conservation (BRC) provides technical and grant assistance in support of community projects related to park and recreation facilities, trails, rivers and open space. Bureau resources also support many of the Commonwealth’s conservation, recreation and heritage partners.

Applicants are also encouraged to consider the following priorities identified in the 2020-2024 Pennsylvania Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan and how they may relate or be integrated into your community project:

  • Community Parks & Recreation: Priority projects in this category include projects that help rehab existing parks and those that improve access for all.
  • Land Conservation/Watershed Protection: Priority projects in this category include land conservation projects that protect critical habitat, climate resilient lands, forested watersheds, wetlands, and riparian corridors or create critical connections between public or conservation lands.
  • Watershed Restoration/Rivers Implementation: Priority projects in this category include projects that enhance public access to Pennsylvania’s waterways or projects that improve Pennsylvania’s watersheds and waterways including the planting of riparian forest buffers.
  • Trails: Priority projects in this category include projects that close Priority Trail Gap

Click here for Fall 2022 Supplemental Round FAQ

Click here for the complete Suplemental Round guidance package

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PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship, Stormwater, Watershed Land Protection
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Counties, municipalities, councils of governments, conservation districts, and most non-profit organizations are eligible. Non-profit organizations must be registered with the IRS as a 501(c)3 and be registered with PA Bureau of Charitable Organizations
Award Amount:
$50,000 - $5,000,000
October 27, 2022
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program

The Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) is a part of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) the country's largest private-land conservation program. Administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA), CREP targets specific State or nationally significant conservation concerns, and federal funds are supplemented with non-federal funds to address those concerns. In exchange for removing environmentally sensitive land from production and establishing permanent resource conserving plant species, farmers and ranchers are paid an annual rental rate along with other federal and non-federal incentives as applicable per each CREP agreement. Participation is voluntary, and the contract period is typically 10-15 years.

For more information on the CREP program within Pennsylvania's portion of the Delaware River basin click here.

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Farm Service Agency / U.S. Department of Agriculture
Area of Interest:
Eligible Region:
Rolling Enrollment
Regional Trail Workshop Grants

WeConservePA is offering grants of up to $5,000 to conservation-oriented non-profit organizations or local/county governments to support their local trail and greenway outreach and education efforts.

Funded through the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and administered WeConservePA, Regional Trail Workshop Grants are awarded to support high-quality educational programming and safety training directly related to trails and greenways. Regional Trail Workshop Grants are reimbursement grants that cover up to 80 percent of the costs directly associated with each workshop (not to exceed $5,000) and require a 20 percent match from the organization. Grantees are responsible for all remaining workshop costs. Applicants may only receive one grant per calendar year.

Complete the grant application and budget worksheet and submit to by the application deadline of January 27, 2022 to be considered for the 2022 grant round.

For awarded grants, requests for payment must be submitted to the WeConservePA by October 15, 2022, and only expenses accrued up to September 30, 2022 will be eligible for reimbursement.

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Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
501(c)3 non-profits, local/county government
Award Amount:
January 27, 2022
Conservation Stewardship Program

The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) helps you build on your existing conservation efforts while strengthening your operation. Whether you are looking to improve grazing conditions, increase crop yields, or develop wildlife habitat, we can custom design a CSP plan to help you meet those goals. We can help you identify natural resource problems in your operation and provide technical and financial assistance to solve those problems or attain higher stewardship levels in an environmentally beneficial and cost-effective manner. If you are already taking steps to improve the condition of the land, chances are CSP can help you find new ways to meet your goals.

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USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Area of Interest:
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Individuals, Legal Entities, Joint Operations, or Native Tribes
Award Amount:
See annual payment formula
Year-round applications accepted
Conservation Innovation Grants

CIG is a voluntary program to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies in conjunction with agricultural production. CIG projects are expected to lead to the transfer of conservation technologies, management systems, and innovative approaches to agricultural producers, into NRCS technical manuals and guides, or to the private sector. CIG generally funds pilot projects, field demonstrations, and innovative ways to transfer conservation methods from one geographic area or ag sector to another.

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USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Area of Interest:
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Award Amount:
$5,000 to $75,000
CREP Mini-Grant Program 2023

PACD offers mini-grants for conservation districts for up to $3,000 to implement educational and outreach activities that support and extend the work of the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). Projects should focus on CREP enrollment, re-enrollment and/or CREP maintenance.


• Deadline to apply: February 24, 2023
• Announce recipients: March 10, 2023
• Deadline for final reports: August 31, 2023
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Area of Interest:
Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Conservation Districts
Award Amount:
