Upcoming grant & award deadlines from PA Environment Digest: http://www.paenvironmentdigest.com/newsletter/default.asp?NewsletterArticleID=45853&SubjectID=
Grant Program | Funder | Area of Interest | Eligible Region | Eligible Applicants | Award Amount | Date Due |
Watershed Restoration and Protection Program
The overall goal of the Watershed Restoration and Protection Program (WRPP) is to restore, and maintain restored stream reaches impaired by the uncontrolled discharge of nonpoint source polluted runoff, and ultimately to remove these streams from the Department of Environmental Protection’s Impaired Waters list. Projects which involve the construction, improvement, expansion, repair, maintenance or rehabilitation of new or existing watershed protection Best Management Practices (BMPs). View More |
Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development |
Area of Interest:
Agriculture, Stormwater |
Eligible Region:
Pennsylvania |
Eligible Applicants:
Municipalities, Higher Education, Watershed Organizations, For-Profit Businesses |
Award Amount:
Up to $300,000 for any project. A 15% match of the total project cost is required. |
2/1 through 5/31 annually |
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program - Mini Grants
PACD is now accepting mini-grant applications for up to $3,000 to implement educational and outreach activities that support and extend the work of the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). Projects should focus on CREP enrollment, re-enrollment, and/or CREP maintenance. View More |
Area of Interest:
Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Watershed Land Protection |
Eligible Applicants:
landowners, contractors, municipal officials, watershed organizations and homeowners |
Award Amount:
Up to $3,000 |
12/12/2021 | |
PA DEP Environmental Education Grants
2023 Environmental Education Grant Round: DEP’s Environmental Education Grants Program welcomes applications for the development of innovative formal and non-formal environmental education projects that: 1) Address grant program priorities 2) Provide opportunities to expand the public’s understanding of Pennsylvania’s environmental issues 3) Develop skills required to make informed decisions and take responsible action on behalf of the environment.
A 2023 Grants Program webinar will be held Tuesday, September 27, 2022 from Noon - 1:30 pm. Registration is required. 2023 EE Grants Webinar registration
Grants are offered at 3 levels depending on scope of the project. Funding is provided on a reimbursement basis. Mini Grants up to $5,000 may be awarded for local (school, county, municipality or other defined area) environmental education projects. General Grants (Level I): From $5,001 up to $30,000 may be awarded for implementation of large-scale, regional and/or statewide environmental education projects. General Grants (Level II): From $30,001 to $85,000 may be awarded for non-formal environmental education programs designed to widely* engage teachers and youth at the county, state and national levels. (*Teachers and students from at least 60 Pennsylvania counties must directly participate in the project). Additionally, the project must demonstrate that at least 30% of program participants are community members of an Environmental Justice Area.
2023 Project Period: July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024 Application Round Opens: September 2022 Application Deadline: December 9, 2022 at 4:59pm View More |
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship |
Eligible Region:
Pennsylvania |
Eligible Applicants:
Public schools and school districts, Incorporated private schools, Incorporated conservation and education organizations and institutions, Universities and colleges, County conservation districts, Businesses |
Award Amount:
Up to $85,000 |
12/09/2022 |
Environmental Education (EE) Grant
The purpose of the Environmental Education Local Grants Program in Region 3 (PA) is to support locally-focused environmental education projects that increase public awareness and knowledge about environmental issues and provide the skills that participants in its funded projects need to make informed decisions and take responsible actions toward the environment. View More |
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship |
Eligible Region:
United States |
Eligible Applicants:
Local education agency, college or university, state education or environmental agency, nonprofit organization, or a noncommercial educational broadcasting entity |
Award Amount:
$50,000 - $100,000 |
12/06/2021 |
Boating Facility Grant Program
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) created the Boating Facility Grant Program to provide grants for rehabilitation, expansion or construction of new boat ramps, bulkheads, courtesy floats, access roads, parking areas, restrooms, signs and localized landscaping to benefit and directly support recreational boating on Commonwealth waters. The goal of the program is to ensure Pennsylvania’s recreational boaters have access to the highest quality boating facilities. Grant recipients are responsible for at least 50% of the proposed project cost. This 50% match can be cash, the fair market value of any labor or materials, a combination thereof, or grants from other federal, state or local funding sources. https://www.fishandboat.com/Transact/Grants/Pages/BoatingFacilityGrantProgram.aspx View More |
PA Fish & Boat |
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship |
Eligible Region:
Pennsylvania |
Eligible Applicants:
Public entities, nonprofit groups including land trusts, conservancies and watershed associations |
Award Amount:
50% of total project cost |
12-30-2022 |
PACD 2021-22 Stormwater Training Video Mini-Grant Program for Conservation Districts
Thanks to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s continuing support of conservation district educational projects, PACD is ready to open a round of Stormwater Training Video Mini-grants! Conservation district staff are a great resource. We are looking to share your expertise and offer five mini-grants up to $2,000 for districts to develop content. Conservation districts will use grant funds to develop instructional videos on the operation and maintenance needs of a specific best management practice (BMP) for MS4 permittees. BMP types prioritized for funding are: detention basins and extended detention basins, rain gardens/bioretention basins, infiltration basins, and vegetated swales. Only one mini-grant will be awarded per BMP. Mini-grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Conservation districts may apply for more than one mini-grant, but preference will be given to districts who have not been awarded a mini-grant. View More |
Area of Interest:
Eligible Applicants:
Conservation district staff |
Award Amount:
up to $2,000 |
11/17/2021 | |
A grant program that supports underserved and vulnerable communities, and Indigenous communities, in Canada, Mexico, and the United States to prepare for climate-related impacts.This program is targeted to underserved and vulnerable communities, including Indigenous communities, low-income communities, and communities with heightened risk and increased sensitivity to climate change and that have less capacity and fewer resources to cope with, adapt to, or recover from climate impacts. The degree of risk and sensitivity stems from physical (built and environmental), social, political, and/or economic factors, which interact with each other and are exacerbated by climate impacts. These factors include, but are not limited to, race, class, sexual orientation and identification, national origin, and income inequality. View More |
Commission for Environmental Cooperation |
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Stormwater, Watershed Land Protection |
Eligible Region:
United States |
Eligible Applicants:
Nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), civil society groups, environmental groups, community-based associations, tribal nations, and Indigenous Peoples and communities, Universities, and academic and public research institutions |
11/14/2021 | |
US Forest Service: Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR) Program
The State and Private Forestry Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR) competitive grant program funds collaborative, science-based restoration of priority rural forest landscapes, leverages public and private resources, and supports State Forest Action Plans. Program outcomes include: Improve fish and wildlife habitat; improve water quality and watershed function; mitigate invasive plants, insect infestation, and disease; reduce wildfire risk; improve forest ecosystem health; and measure ecological and economic benefits. View More |
US Forest Service |
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Stormwater, Watershed Land Protection |
Eligible Region:
nationwide |
Eligible Applicants:
State agencies, Federally Recognized Tribes, nonprofit organizations, universities, and units of local government. |
Award Amount:
$25,000-$600,000 |
11/10/2022 at 6pm |
DVRPC Regional Trails Program
Partners across Greater Philadelphia are working to build a region-wide network of multi-use trails that people can use to bike, walk, roll, commute, exercise, relax, and meet neighbors and friends. This network, called the Circuit Trails, connects communities across the nine counties of Greater Philadelphia and is a hub for national trails like the East Coast Greenway and 9/11 National Memorial Trail. About 370 miles of this 800-plus-mile network are complete. Continuing to build the Circuit Trails and creating safe, accessible, and welcoming community connections to the network are two important goals to ensure the continuing success of this initiative. These goals are envisioned in the region’s long-range transportation plan, Connections 2050: Plan for Greater Philadelphia, and in DVRPC’s Regional Trails Program. Capitalized with funding from the William Penn Foundation, a total of $1 million is available through this funding opportunity for projects in the nine-county Greater Philadelphia region to fund right-of-way acquisition, planning, design, and/or construction of multi-use trails and/or safe, accessible, and welcoming trailheads, gateways, and neighborhood connections. A strong emphasis is placed on equity and community engagement as part of this funding opportunity. View More |
DVRPC, William Penn Foundation |
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship |
Eligible Region:
Projects within a Census Tract(s) with Indicator of Potential Disadvantage scores of 3 or more per DVRPC Equity Analysis https://www.dvrpc.org/webmaps/ipd/ |
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants may include state, county, municipal and city agencies and departments; nonprofit organizations and development corporations; or any other group with the capacity to carry out such a project. Trails must be fully open to the public. |
Award Amount:
up to $100,000 |
11/10/2022 |
PennDOT Multimodal Transportation Fund
The Multimodal Transportation Fund stabilizes funding for ports and rail freight, increases aviation investments, establishes dedicated funding for bivyvle and pedestrian improvements, and allows targeted funding for priority investments in any mode. Eligible projects include trail, bike, and pedestrian safety. Projects should coordinate local land use with transportation assets to enhance existing communities. View More |
PennDOT |
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship, Recreation, Stormwater |
Eligible Region:
Pennsylvania |
Eligible Applicants:
Municipalities, council of governments, business/non-profit organizations, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, public airports, airport authorities, and ports and rail entities |
11/05/2021 |