
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful: Communities Celebrate Earth Day By Joining Pick Up Pennsylvania
April 19, 2022
Mapping Water and Equity Considerations- Federal and State Tools
April 19, 2022

With the recent launch of the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to identify communities that are disadvantaged and overburdened by pollution, and ongoing efforts at the state-level to identify the location of environmental justice communities, you may be wondering how these types of mapping tools relate to water data and the work you do related to permitting, climate resiliency, or community engagement.  

Study Finds PFAS At Higher Levels After Wastewater Treatment
April 19, 2022
On the Road to Dakar — Fairmount Water Works Presents!
April 19, 2022
Microplastic Removal With Cloth Media Filtration
April 18, 2022
Green infrastructure helps cities with climate change. So why isn't there more of it?
April 15, 2022
Explore the Schuylkill River region and Become a Junior Ranger
April 15, 2022
Climate Corps Needs Recruits
April 14, 2022
To Find Out Where the Covid Pandemic is Headed, Look Here: The Sewer
April 14, 2022
Master Gardeners' Spring Plant Sale is Back
April 13, 2022
